Sunday, June 5, 2011

Final Task: Analysis

 My topic is soccer and my Essential question is "How can I learn about Ronaldinho's life, and how can I learn to be a better soccer player from him?" There is a reason that I chose this Topic and the essential question. The reason for the topic is that I love to play soccer and I want to know more about soccer. that's why I chose the soccer for the topic. and the reason for the essential question is In soccer Ronaldinho was 1 of the best soccer player so I want to learn more about him and learn some skills.

2.) A paragraph that describes the three levels of Bloom's Taxonomy that we covered (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application), and the tasks that you did for each level, including a link to each blog post on which you posted the tasks.

My Essential question: "How can I learn about Ronaldinho's life, and how can i learn to be a better soccer player from him?"
First, I need to research about him and watch a video of him playing soccer and free-styling. or Ask to friend like " What do you think about Ronaldinho" and write a note the answer from the friend. and try to practice Ronaldinho's skill in home or at the soccer field. then use it during the soccer match if I master the skill. and learn some fake skills like fake to the left and go to right. It's hard to act like Ronaldinho but we can try to do that skills.

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